

Spread out your collarbones, stand tall.

It’s how they’ll see you

when everything is trying to obscure you from their horizons.

Step through the doors that open,

but only if your heart tells you that’s where it wants to go.

If your eyes catch on another path,

even if there’s no sign,

it can always be enlightening to explore.

Tradition doesn’t have to stale up decisions.

Take the fresh air and use it as an arrow, letting it spin

until it finds your true north.


Fragile chamber

Cold is the taste of your heart when it’s been locked up for too long.

Chisel it out, careful, careful

and throw it on the fire.

Don’t worry, it won’t burn.

Watch it thaw,

see the flame-hands nurse it back

squeezing out the poison haunting your veins.

Take it from them.

Firm grip now,

and push it back in place.

You’ll get used to it – it won’t always be heavy.



Worlds apart, but ever close

In mid-flight, I heard your call,

Never knowing it was you at all.

As I neared the tallest hills,

My eyes caught sight and I was stilled

In the being of you:

Trickling words, algorithms of many hues.

Days, weeks, hours all passed,

I finally know at last,

Wherever I go, you will be.

We are utterly each other’s key

To our future prime.

We’ve given up being blind.


Flower clippings

My heart is not a muscle,

it is a flower

blooming fully to catch every drip drop of sunlight it can

to help me stay nourished and grounded.


It attracts a lot of attention

and people often try to measure its petals,

guess what genus it is,

try to deceive it by pushing me into darkness.


They clip it, scrape it, startle it,

seek to tint it with rainbows of dye,

yet it refuses to wilt.


Yes, its petals may fall.

Yes, it may close at times.

But it will always open again

in the right environment.



I like how our fingers latch

when our hands stray close to each other.

There’s no question, no uncertainty.

They just link,

mirroring the chain binding our hearts.


When words fail,

and they always do when we most want them,

a touch serves as well.


It’s an answer. An agreement.

An ‘I’ll stand beside you no matter what

you tell me, what emotions you let out

or what sadness you let in’



And it’s for life.


Off Beat

‘Did someone pull you by the hand?’

you ask.


‘No,’ I answer. ‘My heart discovered

it was beating a different rhythm

to the one it thought it beat.


It was shocked, angry at itself

and guilty when it discovered that no matter how hard it tried,

it couldn’t find the melody it’d lost.


The new one was too strong,

too wild, too free and

too accepting of itself.’


‘And of the heart

whose rhythm it once matched?’


‘It beats still, sound and capable,

ready to find another

to fall into sync with.


Mild and honest, it will always

be true to its owner.’



You find it on the hearth, a tiny thing,

still a flutter beneath the calcified outer.

The warmth inside has faded to a simple prickle

that decreases every moment.


How did it get there, who cast it aside

to continue on their life without it,

hoping to never feel the pain and uncertainty that love can bring,

while forgetting how their view of everything

becomes just that little bit brighter for it?


You cradle it, unwanted heart,

hold it close to your own so it can share your heat,

build up a rhythm to restore its strength.


You guide it until it can beat on its own

and then let it make its way

back to the world

where it can find that reason to glow again.